Bharatiya Sangeet Vidya Vihar is one of the oldest affiliating and examining bodies of India with its Headquarters in Kolkata since 1972. 

BSVV at a Glance

BHARATIYA SANGEET VIDYA VIHAR (BSVV), Kolkata. BSVV is an autonomous Music Educational organization in India registered with societies Act. Govt. of West Bengal. Recognised by the Cultural Department Govt. Of West Bengal. It was established in 1972. BSVV is empowered to take examinations and issue certificates to those who have passed the examinations. This is the 50th year of the BSVV. Many of legendaries like Late Pandit Chinmay Lahiri, Pandit Arun Bhattacharya, Pandit Balkrishna Menon, Pandit Jataileshwar Mukherjee, Pandit Ramendra Chaudhury, Pandit Chandidash Mal and many more were the main founder of this Sangeet Vidya Vihar. Earlier BSVV was affiliated to Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata.


1. The annual examination of BSVV is scheduled in the month of January every year. The date and time are announced before two months.
2. Practical Examination will be taken within a month of the theory examination.
3. Absentees of any examination ( Practical& Theory) should not be considered for promotion of next year.
4. First and second year candidates below 12 years are allowed to appear for the oral examination instead of written theory paper.
5. Blind and uneducated candidates can take help of interpreter with permission of center Principal or Head.
6. Candidates shall have to complete the previous year to appear in the examination from second year to seventh year. The teacher of 10 years experience can appear directly fifth year with the permission of Center Principal or Head.
7. “SangeetRatna” or “SangeetRatnakar”awardeeof BharatiyaSangeetVidyaVihar( BSVV) or equivalent candidates are allowed to appear in the ShikshakShikshan ( B.Mus-Ed) Examination. Also candidates have to participate minimum 12 classes. BSVV will arrange the classes.
8. Standard of the Examination
a) Distinction – 75 %
b) First Division- 60%
c) Second Division- 45%
d) Third Division- 30%
9. Candidates shall have to pass both practical and theoretical Examination to get the certificates.
10. Results shall be published and sent to the different centers one month after the completion of the examination procedure.
11. The last submission date of the application form and examination Fees on 30th November.
12. Loss of Certificates : If loss of any certificates or mark sheet, candidates can apply for duplicate by paying Rs . 50/-( for certificates) and Rs. 30/- (for mark sheet) respectively.


i) Candidates’ name, date of birth, Year of the Examination, subjects and details shall be kept with their organization as a record and one copy to be sent to the BSVV Office.
ii) Examination application form and bank draft/cheque to be sent to Registrar, BharatiyaSangeetVidyaVihar( BSVV)
iii) Attendance of the Theoritical / practical examinations shall be sent to the office of BSVV with in Three days ( Out stations with in 15 days ).
iv) The answer sheets of the theoretical examination shall be sent to the BSVV office with in the completion of10 days ( Out stations with in 30 days).
v) Question paper of the theoretical examination to be sent before three days of the scheduled date. If any unavoidable circumstances occurs contacts with the Registrar.
vi) Centre Head / Examination In charge will open the question papers ten minutes before the examination in front of the three official duly signed by them. The same packet shall be sent to the BSVV office after the examination.
vii) The Center Head / Examination in charge will ensure the candidates’ signature at the bottom of the last answer before submission.
viii) The inspection team of BSVV may come to observe the examinations. The Center Head will cooperate the team.
ix) Photograps and eligible certificates to be enclosed with the application form of B. Mus-Ed ( ShikshakShikshan ).

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